In English

Welcome to Visulahti, Mikkeli where the Finnish Siberian Husky Specialty Show takes place in 14.-15.9.2024!

Show will be held at Visulahden Matkailukeskus
Address: Visulahdentie 1, FI-50108 Mikkeli

You can find the event from Facebook also!


Paula Rekiranta and Jouko Leiviskä

Both jugdes are reserve judges to each other.


Jouko Leiviskä: Puppies, Juniors, Intermediate, Open, Best Bitch and Progency Class
Paula Rekiranta: Working, Champions, Veterans, Best Dog and Breeders’ Class

The division of the classes will be specified on the basis of the final number of dogs.


Only online-entry in this show and all the show info and numbers will be send by email!

When entering to a show, the exhibitor undertakes to follow the valid Show Regulations and Vaccination Instructions of the Finnish Kennel Club.

Entry: www.showlink.fiONLINE ENTRY

Closing dates for entries: 18.8. / 19.-25.8.

Entry fee until 18.8.2022
32 € / 1st dog, 3. etc. dog of the same owner 23 €
puppies and veterans 23 €
veterans over 10 years free to veteran class

Entry fee between 19.-25.8.
45 € / dog (all classes)

To enter in championclass a championship certificate is needed unless the dog is FI CH already or has been shown in champion class in Finland before.
To enter in working class a WCC (working class certificate) is needed unless the working merit has been obtained in Finland.
If mentioned certificates are missing, the dog will be automatically entered in ”Open Class”. Please, send copies to info(a) with show and dog’s information, if copies are not attached to entry form or online-entry.

In order to get the reduced entry fee for the same owner’s 2nd etc. dog, you must enter all dogs at the same time. A reduced entry fee for the same owner’s 2nd etc. dog is only given for regularly priced entry fees (not entries for puppies or veterans). The reduced entry fee for the same owner’s 2nd etc. dog is based on the person marked as the owner of the first dog entered in the entry session at online-entry.

Cropped and docked dogs
Cropped and docked dogs born after 1.1.2001 are not allowed to participate shows held in Finland.

Vaccination instructions for the Show
The show is subject to the vaccination directions approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. The organizers are obliged to inspect vaccination certificates for all dogs taking part. Please, check the custom regulations for importing dogs to Finland. Check also your own country’s regulations when turning back.

The Anti-Doping rules, approved by the Council of the Finnish Kennel Club have come into force on 1.1.2007. These rules concern all the shows, trials and tests approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. Visit also for current information.


Will be published about week before the show in here: Aikataulut


You can ask from here: Visulahti Camping

More accommodations can be found here: Accommodation in Mikkeli – the heart of Finnish Lakeland – Visit Mikkeli

More info

From erkkari24(a) or Anna Pöyry +358 40 505 2185